Please come along to the “Wee Kirk” on Wednesday, 4th December between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for a Christmas selection of local arts and craft items.

Please come along to the “Wee Kirk” on Wednesday, 4th December between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for a Christmas selection of local arts and craft items.
The Borgue Coffee Mornings are starting up again in the Public Hall, every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon. Please come along for a community chat and delicious baked treats!
There are 13 valid nominations for the 11 places on Borgue Community Council. This therefore means an Election will be held in the Borgue Public Hall between 3 and 7 p.m. on Thursday, 3rd October 2024. Click here for details of candidates/venue/times on the attached ‘Notice of Poll’.
As the majority of the grass verges have been cut recently we are planning on having a Litter Picking Day on Sunday 1st September 2024 between 1pm to 3pm, meeting at the Borgue Hall at 1pm to collect the hi vis, gloves, pickers and green bags along with the new’ish handihoops. All welcome. If anyone beforehand is interested in covering a specific area/road then contact me at the number below and I’ll make sure there are no doublers. If you’re not fussed where you go then that would be fine as well, just turn up and we’ll find a ‘gap’ for you!! The Council will collect the green bags from the Borgue cemetery bin store but if your bag is too heavy to carry it back to the Borgue cemetery then just leave it at the roadside letting us know of its exact location (‘what3words’ App is quite handy but no probs if you haven’t got it) and we’ll organise a pick up. Please let anyone who wants to come along to ‘pick’ know that they are most welcome. The more the merrier. And if they want to join the WhatsApp group then just give them my number – 07455 168282. Many Thanks. All the best, Annemarie
Please come along to Kirkandrews Kirk on Sunday, 1st September for a special event of contemplative worship hosted by Andrew Duncalf from Church Without Walls in Wigtown.
Galloway has been confirmed as the proposed location for Scotland’s next National Park with a further investigation to be carried out on its suitability.
The joint proposal from the Galloway National Park Association and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO biosphere highlights Galloway’s diverse landscapes and stunning coastline, its outstanding biodiversity and rich cultural heritage.
Borgue Hall Committee are looking for volunteers to help with clearance of weeds/bushes etc all around the external area of the hall, just to clear it up. The refurbishments inside are ongoing and they feel that it would be great if they could get some help in cleaning up the garden area around the Hall. They would really appreciate any volunteers to come along on Friday 26th July 2024 At 10 a.m. Tea/coffee will be supplied and if you could bring biscuits to share that would be great. Thanks all – hope to see you there.
There will be a free event in Borgue Public Hall on Friday, 21st June, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. where you can find out about the variety of moths that can be seen in the Borgue area. See the poster below for more information
Please come along and help pick litter from the roads around Borgue on Sunday, 28th April. Tools and bags will be provided.