Reply To: The Cleagh

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John Shields

From David Devereux – 6 May 2020

Hello Rachel,

That’s a great find – well spotted. Could I forward your email and images to Lisa Allen, who leads the Kirkcudbright Rock Art group? She will be very interested to see this.

Alan and Mike – going back to field name ‘Cleagh’, the Stewartry inventory (1914) gives a description of its particular locality which may perhaps be helpful. And then just today I’ve found another version of the name in Morris (1979) ‘Prehistoric Rock Art in Galloway and the Isle of Man’ (p.80) which he gives as ‘Cleich’. He would have been very familiar with Coles’ earlier article, but doesn’t use his spelling. Does that mean that his is a phonetic spelling of the word as spoken to him at that time? I don’t know if this helps or hinders the interpretation, but I thought you would like to know! Scan of both pages attached
