About Community Councils

About Community Councils

Community Councils give local people a say about what goes on in their area. They play a vital role in representing the views of their community to the Dumfries & Galloway Council and other public bodies. They are the most local tier of elected representation in Scotland, and have the right to be notified of and respond to planning applications, and are consulted on various issues by regional and national government.

There are around 100 community councils across Dumfries and Galloway. They have a great deal of scope to get involved in local issues and develop local projects or activities.

Community Councils are governed according to a document called the “Scheme of Establishment”. You can download a copy here.

What does Borgue Community Council do? 

It works to act in the interests of everyone in Borgue to improve the local area and make sure our community’s voice is heard. We can:

  • Make representations to Dumfries & Galloway Council (D&G Council) on issues related to planning applications; look at community safety, traffic management, environmental improvements in the area, and make comments on proposals from other public-sector bodies and utilities. 
  • Arrange and attend a variety of meetings to discuss your causes and concerns.
  • Bring local people together to help make things happen.
  • Work to protect and promote the identity of our community.
  • Represent all people in the area without prejudice, and be non-political.

What area do we cover? 

From Millhall in the east to (but not including) Carrick in the west and northwards up to the approximate course of the A755 Kirkcudbright to Gatehouse road as shown in the image below:

The area covered by Borgue Community Council is not the same as the original Borgue Parish that extended further northwards and included the farms at Conchieton, Gaitgill, Littleton and Greenslack. These are now in either the Gatehouse or Twynholm Community Council areas. You can view the current Community Council boundaries here. Confusingly, the National Census uses the old parish boundary rather than the Community Council boundary.

Original Borgue Parish area

How are we funded? 

We receive a very small restricted annual grant administered by Dumfries &Galloway Council to cover the cost of administration and hall hire. We therefore rely on volunteers and your help to spread the word about what we do, our meetings, any consultations and issues of interest in the area. We can also look at making funding bids to undertake some projects.

How do we run? 

The Community Council is independently run by residents from the Borgue area. It consists of 3 elected officers – a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and other members up to a total of 11 people. Officers are responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the community council, but all members are equally responsible for the Community Council’s decisions and actions.  The group meets regularly throughout the year, usually at Borgue Public Hall, and formally records its activities. It operates with a strict Code of Conduct, and its annual accounts are examined and certified independently.

Information about the Borgue Community Council members can be found at: http://info.dumgal.gov.uk/CommunityCouncils/Home/Detail/93

How can you find out what we are doing? 

Go to the ‘Meetings’ tab above and click on the relevant items for minutes of previous meetings, future meeting dates & agendas for future ordinary meetings. Printed copies are posted on the outside notice board, Borgue Public Hall and sent to Ward Members (local councillors) and D&G Council staff. Agendas and draft minutes must be displayed for at least 7 calendar days before an ordinary meeting and at least 14 calendar days before an Annual General Meeting.

Check out our Facebook page @Borgue Community for the latest info and messages. We also use this for emergency messages from D&G and the emergency services.

How to get involved

Use our Contact Us page to send us your views on planning applications, your ideas for improving the area, or your views on consultation documents we have received.

Tell D&G about things that need improving e.g. potholes, litter dumping etc here and click on Report It!.

Attend our advertised public meetings. Members of the public are welcome to give their views at our public meetings but have no voting rights. Contact the Secretary if you wish to make a presentation – please use our Contact Us form.