Scottish Power Support for Power Outages

The following information has been received from SPEN (Scottish Power Energy Networks). D&G Council does not have access to any different restoration time information and SPENs webpage should be used to see the latest estimated restoration time for each individual power cut (addresses or post codes can be searched) :

From SPEN – Please see below offers of support being provided to all customers affected by continued outage;

Up to £40 per meal per household being offered until the power is restored – issued via cheque or voucher)

Reimbursement of hotel accommodation for up to £200 per night

Hotel accommodation booked by SPEN in hotels partnered with our provider

A generator may be available to electrically medically dependant people. Our lines are open and are 24/7, however with the volume of calls received there may be a wait time. We would ask customers to wait if they can to speak with us to allow this support to be discussed.

You can contact SPEN by telephone on 0800 0929290 or 105

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