

The mix of coastal and rural landscapes in the Borgue area provides habitats for a wide variety of wildlife. The Borgue coastline is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for its coastal landscape, geology and sea bird population.


Hares and roe deer are very common in the farm fields. Otters are seen around the coast, especially around Barlocco and Ardwall Islands. Red squirrels are present in the more wooded areas near Senwick and Knockbrex. There are badgers and foxes in the woods and farmland of the area. Hedgehogs are present but their numbers seem to be in decline. The large population of field mice and voles is popular with owls and other birds of prey.
Grey seals breed on the Isles of Fleet and porpoises are often seen in Wigtown Bay. Dolphins are occasional visitors.


The varied habitats of the Borgue peninsula provide ideal conditions for many birds. The Borgue coastline is home to a variety of gulls, waders, ducks and divers along with curlews and plovers. The mixed farmland with shrubby outcrops has sparrows, tits, finches, pipits, blackbirds and thrushes. Ravens have nested at the Coo Palace, near Barlocco, for a number of years.
Birds of prey are common in the area. Buzzards, kites and kestrels are seen searching over farm land for food. Sparrow hawks prey on the numerous finches, tits and chaffinches. Hen Harriers are occasionally seen in the area. Tawny and barn owls are commonly seen. Peregrine falcons nest on the sea cliffs around Brighouse Bay.


Frogs, toads and newts are common around Borgue. The area is home to a few populations of Great Crested Newts.

Other Wildlife

A variety of sea creatures may be seen on the shore at low tide. There are numerous shellfish, crabs, anemones and echinoderms (starfish & urchins).
Need to have a section about insects (butterflies, moths, dragonflies, bees etc.)

Web Links

Lists of birds and wildlife seen in the Borgue area

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