Field Name Classification

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    John Shields

    From Alan James – 5 August 2020

    Hello everyone

    Here’s a go at a putting the f-ns on Rachel’s map into categories, mainly in response to Nic’s recent request. I hope it will be of some use, or at least interest.


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    John Shields

    From Nic Coombey – 5 August 2020

    Thank you Alan

    this is very useful and could be the basis for structure of future talks, publications and articles.

    I plan to use classification themes to write some items for the PLACE blog which includes some efforts to explain the geology for the Stinchar Valley;

    I will send any blogs on field names to you all first to check that I have not got mixed up with all the information.


    John Shields

    From Michael Ansell – 7 August 2020

    Thanks Nic

    I like your warning about the ‘Carrick Gallovidian’ book on the link. I remember getting into stiff debates when I was timber transport officer and talking to communities in Carrick who had fallen for the guff in that book! Some of them were black affronted by the suggestion that the interpretation might not be quite right!

    Kind Regards


    John Shields

    From Alan James – 7 August 2020

    Yes, a few years back I put a note in Scottish Place-Name news about ‘Carrick Gallovidian’, nominating it as the worst book ever on Scottish place-names (though admitting the competition is strong, there’s some very crazy stuff out there!) The author, Kevan McDowall F.S.A.Scot., was quite a kenspeckle figure in Edinburgh in his day, best-known for advocating an Imperial Parliament to govern the entire British Empire, within which Scotland would have ‘Home Rule’ with the status of a Dominion (like Canada). Maybe it seemed a good idea at the time … But one gets the impression of a pretty intelligent fellow living in a fantasy world.


    John Shields

    From Nic Coombey – 7August 2020


    yes it would be good to right some of the misunderstandings caused by McDowall – his book still seems the source of much that is found about place names in South Ayrshire. Perhaps the good work in Borgue could be used to encourage communities in Ayrshire to take another look.


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